CGIC Quebec Branch CPD Webinar – Operational Impacts Posed by Bill 64

Privacy in Quebec is about to get a major makeover — one that may lead to wider reforms across Canada. In September, lawmakers enacted Bill 64, which aims to modernize crucial aspects of the various laws governing individuals’ privacy in Quebec, amending provisions involving consent, data protection officers, notice, individuals’ rights, and more.

It is important for privacy professionals across Canada to understand the operational impacts posed by Bill 64 given the chance that all provinces may soon follow suit in modernizing their privacy and data protection statutes.

On May 11th, join us for a complimentary CPD session presented by the Quebec Branch with guest speaker Charles S. Morgan. Charles is the national co-leader of McCarthy Tétrault’s Cyber/Data Group and the former leader of the firm’s Technology Law group. He is also the former President of the International Technology Lawyers Association (iTechLaw).

A nationally recognized leader in cybersecurity, data protection, and technology law, Charles brings a deep understanding of disruptive technologies, providing practical advice to help clients fully exploit the promise of innovative solutions while managing risk.


Operational Impacts Posed by Bill 64 – Wednesday, May 11, 2022 | 60-minute zoom webinar
BC: 9:00 am PT; AB: 10:00 am MT; ON/QC 12:00 pm ET; Bermuda 1:00 pm AT

Speaker: Charles S. Morgan, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault



A nationally recognized leader in cybersecurity, data protection and technology law, Charles brings deep understanding of disruptive technologies, providing practical advice to help clients fully exploit the promise of innovative solutions while managing risk.

Charles is the national co-leader of McCarthy Tétrault’s Cyber/Data Group and former leader of our Technology Law group. He is the former President of the International Technology Lawyers Association (iTechLaw).

Charles’ practice takes a 360-degree approach to data, helping clients extract the tremendous value inherent in data, while at the same time managing the associated risks. He is a recognized thought-leader on the responsible deployment of artificial intelligence. Charles regularly serves as “breach coach” for our clients in matters of enterprise-wide risk, including on three of the largest cyber incidents in Canadian history. Charles’ practice is focused on advising many of our firm’s largest clients on their most complex commercial transactions involving IT outsourcing, systems integration, cloud, financial technologies, data security, artificial intelligence, privacy, licensing, e-commerce and telecommunications.

As former President of ITechLaw, Charles developed a worldwide network of trusted correspondent counsel that allow him to provide seamless client service around the globe, alerting clients to new developments and helping them to manage risks worldwide. He was named Montréal’s Technology “Lawyer of the Year” in the 2020 edition of Best Lawyers in Canada and is ranked a “Global Elite Thought Leader” regarding Data Privacy and Protection, Data Security and IT in WWL Thought Leaders Global Elite 2021.

CGIC has been empowering aspiring governance professionals to excel for 100 years. There has never been a better time to be involved in governance and be an advocate for CGIC.  We are a community and together we will excel as leaders in the practice of good governance for 100 more.

Looking for structured CPD hours?  View our upcoming CPD sessions on our CPD event calendar or watch past CPD webinar recordings on the CGIC YouTube channel.

Have a suggestion for a CPD webinar topic or speaker?  Email the National Office.