CGIC Membership Promotional Material

The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada (CGIC) is at the forefront of creating change and defining the future of governance with a global perspective. Your membership with The Institute demonstrates your commitment to effective organizational governance.

As a member, you have access to exclusive resources that help you stay agile and ahead of the curve of global developments and best practices in governance.

CGIC has ambitious goals for growing its membership.

The Institute needs champions and ambassadors who will promote the value and benefit of belonging to our global network of governance professionals. 

Access promotional material to share with colleagues here:

PDF Brochure for Senior Governance Professionals

PDF Brochure for Junior Professionals

PDF One Page Brochure for IQP and DEAP

PDF One Page Brochure for IQP

PDF One Page Brochure for DEAP

PDF Three Panel Brochure Version 1

PDF Three Panel Brochure Version 2

PDF Pitch Book (34 Pages)

Talking Points

Sample Email Messaging

Promotional Videos:

Link to share: CLICK HERE

Link to share: CLICK HERE

Link to share: CLICK HERE

If you have any questions, we can help! Contact the National Office