Non-Practicing Membership Policy

Members who meet one of the following criteria can apply to be a Non-Practicing Member of the Division which will result in a reduction in their annual membership dues:

    1. RETIRED STATUS – Member is fully retired from active involvement in the practice of Governance and/or Corporate Secretaryship.
    2. LEFT INDUSTRY – Member has left the practice of Governance and/or Corporate Secretaryship or is unemployed and not currently looking for work in these industries.
    3. MEDICALLY UNABLE TO WORK – Member has a medical disability that results in the member being unable to work with an expectation that they will be away from work for 6 months or longer.
    4. CAREGIVER STATUS – Member is presently on maternity/parental/family leave from their employer to provide care for a family member and expects to be on leave for a period of at least 6 months.

The Procedure:

To apply, members must complete the Application for Non-Practicing Membership and submit the form to the National Office.

If the member meets the criteria, fees will be $50.00 + applicable taxes per year. Fees are subject to change.


RETIRED STATUS – Members need only apply once for this rate of membership. If a member returns to active involvement in the practice of Governance and/or Corporate Secretaryship after being granted Retirement Status, they need to alert the National Office within 30 days. At that time, the member will be charged a pro-rated membership fee to return their account to full membership status.

LEFT INDUSTRY STATUS – Members need only apply once for this rate of membership. If a member returns to active involvement in the practice of Governance and/or Corporate Secretaryship after being granted Left Industry Status, they need to alert the National Office within 30 days. At that time, they will be charged a pro-rated annual rate to return their account to full membership status.

MEDICALLY UNABLE TO WORK – Status may be granted for a maximum of five years per individual. Member is required to notify the National Office within 30 days of return to active employment. Member will return to paying full fees at their annual renewal date.

CAREGIVER STATUS – Caregiver Status may be granted for a maximum of five years per individual. Continued eligibility will be reviewed annually as part of the annual renewal process. A member who has returned to work will return to paying full fees at their annual renewal date.


Non-practicing members retain full member benefits.
Non-practicing members can continue to list their CGI and CGIC post-nominals, but it is understood that the post-nominals will not be used towards active employment.
Non-practicing members do not need to meet annual CPD requirements.
Non-practicing Chartered members (ACG, FCG) are subject to complete an application for reinstatement should they return to active employment after more than 2 years.

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